Saturday, December 2, 2017


Before I went to bed on Thursday 30 November 2017 I had misplaced hope when it comes to Zimbabwe. I had picked up this hope on Saturday 18 November the day we marched to State House to demand Mugabe’s resignation. I had advised my wife that I had decided to go to Zimbabwe the following day with plans to spend more money in our piggery project and expand it further. My wife’s answer was that she was weary of us keeping on spending money in Zimbabwe as we had lost a lot of money in Zimbabwe in the past. The same week that Emmerson Munangagwa was fired, I had over a dozen pigs ready for market and we were battling to get buyers. The day after the general went on Zimbabwe TV to announce the coup that was not a coup, I started getting phone calls from Zimbabwe and a number of people wanted to buy the whole lot. I decided maybe lets increase the breeding stock and not sell and hopefully in 12 month time we might have a stock of 500 pigs and maybe invest in the butchery equipment and open our own butcheries in Zimbabwe as we constantly get raw deals from the guys we supply meat to. Is it a Southern African thing to have these cabinets announced just before midnight, look Zuma’s dubious cabinet reshuffles are always announced around midnight?

I woke up the following day and saw the cabinet and at first I thought it was just a joke. At 5am, I went out for my 5km morning run and when I came back my wife had also woken up and she had also read the news. I have since shelved my plans and it’s time to wait and see what happens in the next election. The rulers in Zimbabwe need to know that the world does not owe anything to Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe has to fight for and attract scarce resources from an open market. If I as a Zimbabwean am more comfortable to keep my hard earned money in a foreign country, do they expect a foreigner to come and invest?

Yesterday they were blaming Morgan Tsvangirai for their cabinet. Someone pointed out that if that is the case that Tsvangirai threatened his lieutenants not to join this cabinet why did they not consider other people outside MDC-T. In the previous GNU government there were many competent ministers who are not in Tsvangirai’s party, people such as Elton Mangoma, Tendai Biti, David Coltart, Whelsman Ncube, Priscilla Misihairabwi etc my question is why were they not considered? Also there are other Zanu -PF aligned MPs such as Temba Mliswa and Paul Mangwana to choose from.  There is also other qualified people such as Nkosana Moyo who were also not considered.

We had already decided as a family that we are not going to Zimbabwe this Christmas holiday as all our kids despise going to Zimbabwe. Although I have a lot of hope for Zimbabwe, I remember we used to say who ever comes after Mugabe cannot be worse and the economy will improve. However we need to see the world for what it is and not according to how we want it to be. If the economy does not improve, the generals can never win a free and fair election.


God bless Zimbabwe

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