Sunday, October 1, 2017

It is not goodbye, it is see you later

Photo taken at work by Kim Naidoo
After 10 years, one month and two days, today is my last day at OUTsurance. At the beginning of 2017, I knew I could not continue and it was time to try new things. We all need encouragement and special thanks to my friend and neighbour at work, Kim Naidoo who kept on encouraging me to wait until we reached our 10 years of service. OUTsurance is very special to me, more so due to the fact that I got this job a week after I left Zimbabwe and decided to settle in South Africa. I know I will never forget you guys, for you have enriched my life.

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 I was born and a raised in an environment where the dominant religions were African religion and Christianity. During my 10 years here at OUTsurance, I did interact with work colleagues, customers and suppliers who come from different backgrounds from my own. Indeed South Africa is a rainbow nation and I am proud to call South Africa my home. Even though we might look different, practice different religions, are believers or non- believers or regardless of our individual marital status. I was amazed to realise that most of the values that were instilled in me growing up in Zimbabwe are the same values shared by people of different backgrounds here in South Africa. I am reminded by what President Obama said during his Cairo speech when he said, “ ..all of us share common aspirations - to live in peace and security; to get an education and to work with dignity; to love our families, our communities, and our God. These things we share. This is the hope of all humanity.”

It’s not goodbye, but see you later. I hope to still meet you guys whether it is in the streets of Pretoria or Harare. 
To my friends on PBS, keep on being Awesome and know that each day counts and one must always put their best foot forward each and every day. Remember it always averages out!
Photo taken at our Zimbabwe home by my good friend Mereka Maruwira

Let’s keep on dreaming freaking BIG and learning from our mistakes. Although we can’t always control our environment and how other people treat us, one must try by all means not to become a victim for in most cases we alone as individuals have the ultimate power to choose what we do next.


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