Friday, September 6, 2019


If there is after life, the creator knows how millions of Zimbabweans of all races and tribes suffered at the hands of Mugabe. I have written in my blogs about the violence against PF- ZAPU supporters in the 1985 general elections in Amaveni Kwekwe when we were staying there. 

In 1990 we witnessed the violence against Edgar Tekere’s ZUM. Mugabe went on to pardon the thugs who were convicted for the attempted murder of Mr Patrick Kombayi. In 1997 Mugabe was forced to award unbudgeted gratuities to war veterans and the Zimbabwean dollar tanked. In 2000 after Mugabe lost the referendum there was so much violence towards the 2000 parliamentary elections especially in towns like Marondera where my mother and my siblings were living.The farm invasions started property was destroyed people were killed on the farms. I was doing farming insurance claims at AIG Zimbabwe that time and the murders and violence I saw personally and on assessment reports will haunt me for the rest of my life.

Towards the 2002 presidential elections I visited my mother at Marondera General Hospital shortly before her death. My mother even in her pain was worried when she saw me holding The Daily News as that independent newspaper was banned by war veterans in Marondera and they would assault anyone seen holding the paper. In 2005 Mugabe initiated operation Murambatsvina, I drove to Chitungwiza one day to see the inhuman destruction of peoples’ houses.

2008 after Zanu-PF lost elections, they killed many people. I am still grieving over the murder of Mr Shepherd Jani from Murewa. I lost saw Mr Jani in early 2008 when I passed by his house in Murewa on my way back to Pretoria as I was thinking of coming back to Zimbabwe and I wanted to rent a shop from him. I gave him a lift to Harare, I think on that day MDC was deciding if they were going to participate in the March 2008 elections.

In 2009 a childhood friend came to our home in Pretoria after he had resigned from the police and he recounted harrowing stories to me and my wife about the senseless murders and bodies being thrown in Wenimbi Dam that happened in 2008. Even though Mugabe improved the education of Africans after Independence, It all came to nought as millions of educated Zimbabweans are unemployed at home and a lot left the country to do menial work as foreigners. It’s hard being a foreigner but due to Mugabe’s policies we had no choice but to leave our beloved Zimbabwe to be foreigners.

I know it’s un-African to say this, I am not crying over Mugabe’s death

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