Sunday, August 18, 2019


I normally don’t want to write about spirituality or religion. I remember what my mother’s sister Mrs Konde told me around 1988 back in Bokwe village in Mukarakate, Murewa. She told me that if you commit bad deeds towards other people, you will pay the price in this lifetime. This is similar to the principle of karma.
I grew up in Kwekwe in the 80s and I have written many times about the violence of 1985 elections towards PF-ZAPU, our member of parliament then for Kwekwe was Emmerson Mnangagwa. Senator David Coltart wrote in his Autobiography about the involvement of Mr Mnangagwa then Minister of Intelligence in the Gukurahundi Massacre that saw over 20 000 Zimbabweans being murdered by the state in the 80s.
In 1990 we all saw what happened to ZUM especially to the late Patrick Kombayi the former Mayor of Gweru. The security agents who were convicted of the attempted murder of Mr Kombayi were later pardoned by Robert Mugabe. During 1995 and 1996 elections we laughed off the spurious charges on Abel Muzorewa and Ndabaningi Sithole even though they posed no real electoral threats to ZANU-PF.
Around 1998 Zimbabwe was involved in the DRC war and the current president was named in the UN report on the plunder of DRC resources. In 2000 ZANU-PF lost the Constitutional Referendum and they faced defeat in the coming parliamentary elections. Zanu-PF started violence against mainly MDC supporters and some people were killed and other seriously injured. Towards the 2002 presidential elections farm invasions were organized by ZANU-PF, a number of white farmers were murdered together with an even larger number of farm workers. In the process they destroyed Zimbabwe’s economy.
In 2005 Zanu PF government started with the Murambatsvina operation, the idea was to drive people from urban areas to rural areas where they could easily be controlled to vote for Zanu PF, this caused untold suffering to many people๐Ÿ˜ข I remember my young brother being told to move away from a room he was renting in Chitungwiza and I had to organize accommodation for him.
In 2008 after ZANU-PF lost control of the March elections, by Mnangagwa’s own admission he took hold of the ZANU-PF election strategy and we all saw what happened towards the 2008 election run-off. In 2009 a child hood friend of mine came to my house in Pretoria after he resigned from the police protection unit and recounted to me and my wife the violence of 2008 and the many bodies that were recovered from Wenimbe Dam. I also wrote about the callous murder of Mr Shepherd Janhi in Murewa๐Ÿ˜ข what kind of persons sanctions the murder of innocent civilians๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฟ‍♂️
When Mnangagwa took over in 2017, the whole world was tired of Mr Mnangagwa from SADC, AU, EU, Russia, China, citizens in Zimbabwe and Zimbabweans in the diaspora all gave him the benefit of doubt. No one shouted coup even though it was obvious that it was a coup. There was so much goodwill from everywhere towards Mr Mnangagwa and he was even invited to Davis.
We always used to say anyone who comes after Mugabe would not do any worse. How wrong we were๐Ÿ˜ข Maybe our president is cursed such that anything that he touches turns into dust. You can’t be the reason that so many people go to bed hungry every night and cry to their god about you every night and then expect to have peace in your life ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฟ‍♂️
Events of 1 August 2018, fuel protests of January 2018, police brutality of yesterday and the disproportionate sentence on Chief Ndiweni are too much guys. We can’t keep quiet in the face of such injustice. The government continues with its voodoo Mugabe Economics and many people will be forced to leave the country. It’s tough living the life of a foreigner especially when citizens in those countries are also finding it hard to keep up with the cost of living and unemployment.
God please heal the nation of Zimbabwe ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ผ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ผ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ผ we have suffered too much. We can’t be held ransom by a few people๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฟ

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