Thursday, April 9, 2020


I am about to go on leave so I am thinking of holidays especially a Zimbabwe holiday. After we got married in 2001, our first ever holiday was in Kotwa about 20kms from Nyamapanda. We boarded a Mazarura Bus at Mbare. Before Murewa I was pointing to MaNyoni at Kambarami Secondary School, the last school I taught in 1997. On a clear day you can see the school from the highway.

We got to Murewa Centre our home town, in 1997 during my teaching days, I rented a room from Mudhara Ndorochena. We continued with our journey past Zhombwe hill. We can see Zhombwe from our village near to Jekwa. The Shiriyekutanga bus would turn right from the highway towards Mukarakate and Macheke.

After Suswe pass I pointed the direction of Chifamba Secondary School I taught there in 1996, that road continues to Benson Mine and to Mazowe River. I have relatives from my father’s side in Benson Mine and the rest of the relatives are still in Tome and Katsukunya in Mutoko.

We booked in at the Pumpkin Hotel. The hotel was still very new and was smart. I showed MaNyoni the then new government office complex where I got my very first job as a temporary teacher in 1995. We also visited Nyamapanda border post. Then I was an avid reader of The Reader’s Digest and I won a Reader’s Digest Camera around 1999, all these photos were taken with that camera.

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